Title: The Strong Case for Ditching On-Premise Software: A CIO/CEO Perspective, Redefined

Title: The Strong Case for Ditching On-Premise Software: A CIO/CEO Perspective, Redefined

The journey towards enterprise cloud applications has reached its third decade, and it's natural to ask, "Are we there yet?" although the majority of front-office applications are now cloud-based, there's a substantial portion of back-office applications lingering in on-premise storage.

The perfect storm of sophisticated security threats, the massive potential of AI, and unpredictable macroeconomic/political factors has finally exposed businesses that have neglected their on-premise estate.

Procrastinating moving to the cloud is no longer a mere matter of convenience. It's a danger to your company's ability to innovate, adapt, and remain secure in an increasingly competitive and volatile environment.

Why the Move to the Cloud is More Imperative Than Ever

Legacy solutions, like Oracle Agile product lifecycle management (PLM), Microsoft Dynamics GP, and SAP ECC/R3 enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, are swiftly approaching critical end-of-life and end-of-support windows. Continuing to operate them without developer updates or suspended support exposes you to a myriad of risks, including security vulnerabilities, operational inefficiencies, and escalating costs.

Is it wise to put off migrating to advanced, cloud-based alternatives that provide scalability, security, and innovation to keep up in the competition?

Security concerns are a significant factor motivating organizations to abandon on-premise systems for cloud-based ones. While both have their vulnerable spots, the specific risks can vary based on factors such as configuration management, supply chain security, and security best practices implementation.

It is crucial to evaluate your security posture in both environments to mitigate potential threats effectively. For outdated on-premise solutions, new and ongoing vulnerabilities send a clear warning sign of a weakness in your company’s IT system architecture.

On-premise software architecture was developed for an era of cybersecurity predating current threats. With each passing year, hackers grow more sophisticated while these on-premise solutions grow older and more vulnerable.

You're hardly alone if you're relying on on-premise solutions. Thousands of companies are using these platforms. However, this is not an assurance of safety; it's quite the opposite.

Three Steps to Reduce Your Risk

As a former Salesforce CIO and someone who has witnessed the consequences of businesses clinging to outdated systems, I feel compelled to emphasize the urgency. The challenges surrounding on-premise solutions are compounding, and the risks are escalating. This isn't just about modernization – this is a matter of survival.

While the long-term strategy is transitioning to the cloud, here's what you can do to reduce risks in the short term:

1. Upgrade to the latest version available.

If you're on an older version, upgrading is indispensable. Most recent releases have security patches, even if they were announced years ago. Don’t wait to fix vulnerabilities before taking action.

2. Secure expertise while it's still around.

Legacy systems are becoming increasingly scarce as experts retire, and the next generation of developers hasn't acquired the necessary skills. Finding consultants who specialize in these solutions is akin to the “musical chairs” game - whoever gets there last will be left out.

3. Invest in premier support – for now.

Premier Support is your best bet for obtaining security patches and resources. However, the window of opportunity is shrinking. After the cut-off, you'll have to manage fixes, security patches, and support services on your own, typically leaving you just a year or two before your safety net disappears.

The clock is ticking, and every IT leader should ask, "What's my plan for when vendors withdraw completely?"

Modernization is the Only True Option

Taking these immediate steps may give you some temporary relief, but they are merely stopgaps. The fundamental issue is that on-premise solutions are outdated technologies that haven't received meaningful updates in years.

On the contrary, cloud-based solutions offer continuous updates, enhanced security, and greater flexibility to meet current business needs. Continuing to rely on outdated on-premise offerings means using a less secure, less reliable, and increasingly expensive platform to maintain.

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late

Vulnerabilities that we're witnessing today are merely the beginning. As these outdated systems come closer to their end-of-life, these risks will only intensify. If you put off the transition, you face increasing costs, greater security threats, and shrinking timeframes to execute a smooth migration.

Now's the time to act. Perform a comprehensive evaluation of your existing system, implement short-term measures to minimize risk, and most importantly, commence planning your transfer to a modern solution.

For those still considering their options, consider this grim reality: If your competitors modernize before you rebuild an outdated platform from the early 2000s, who will be better positioned to adapt and innovate?

This isn't only about staying secure – it's about staying relevant.

The upcoming end-of-life and end-of-support windows for legacy solutions like Oracle Agile PLM, Microsoft Dynamics GP, and SAP ECC/R3 ERP systems pose significant risks, particularly for businesses still relying on them. Ross Meyercord, a former Salesforce CIO, emphasizes the urgency in transitioning to cloud-based alternatives, highlighting the importance of addressing security vulnerabilities, operational inefficiencies, and escalating costs associated with outdated systems.

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