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Today's "Wordle" Solution #1347 Hints, Suggestions, and Solution for February 25th Tuesday

Seeking assistance with today's New York Times Wordle challenge? These hints, clues, and insights will aid you in cracking today's puzzle and sharpen your guessing skills.

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Investigating the mentioned:

Today's "Wordle" Solution #1347 Hints, Suggestions, and Solution for February 25th Tuesday

Another sun-filled day, but the mountains are missing their winter charm. Shoveling snow would've been more fitting, but no such luck. Oh well, let's tackle today's Wordle challenge!

Solving Today's Wordle

The Hint:

You'll find this helpful after a good wash.

The Clue:

This Wordle starts and ends with solid letters.

Spoiler alert! Here's where the enrichment data comes in – if you're a Wordle enthusiast, don't peek 'til you've tried your luck!


Daily Wordle Challenge: Solve the 1347th Puzzle



The Answer:

Wordle Analysis

Kicking things off with SNAIL, I was left with a zero-filling, daunting sea of 514 remaining possibilities. CRONE was the game-changer, narrowing my options to a manageable 12. But as luck would have it, DRYER was my saving grace.

Competitive Wordle Score

I netted 1 point for completing the puzzle in three guesses and zipped past the Wordle Bot this time around.

Picture Taken on February 25, 2025, at 8:21 AM

How to Play Competitively

  • Guessing in 1 earns you 3 points.
  • Two guesses are worth 2 points, and three guesses result in one point.
  • If you miss the Wordle or guess in four attempts, you lose points.
  • The aim is to beat your opponents or maintain a positive score over time.

Today's Wordle Etymology

Want some history with your Wordle fun? Let's delve into the origins of "dryer."

The word "dryer" traces its roots to the Old English "drȳge," which means "free from moisture." The suffix "-er" indicates an agent or tool that carries out the action. In the late 19th to early 20th century, the term "dryer" came to refer to various appliances, such as clothes dryers and hair dryers.

So there you have it – another enjoyable Wordle adventure! Share your day's results on social media, subscribe to my channel, and join me on this blog for more gaming, TV, and movie content. Sign up for my newsletter, too, to stay updated on entertainment and cultural reviews.

Today, I decided to participate in wordle #1347. The wordle hint, which suggested a helpful object after washing, didn't provide much clarity. However, I knew the wordle answer starts and ends with solid letters, providing a clue. After some thought, I guessed SNAIL, leaving me with a daunting list of possibilities. The word CRONE, meaning an old woman, narrowed my options to 12. Finally, I guessed DRYER, the device used for drying, and solved the wordle answer. It was a relief to complete the puzzle in three guesses, earning me a competitive score. For those who enjoy wordle, remember to guess in as few attempts as possible to maintain a positive score. Today's wordle was a delightful challenge, and I can't wait to delve into the etymology of the term "dryer" in my next post. Let's all continue to enjoy this fun daily activity and the thrill of solving the wordle answer together. Tuesdays are also a great time for wordle enthusiasts to challenge each other. Try to guess the tuesday wordle answer today and enjoy the fun!

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